It's been a crazy Summer y'all. Our travels took us to Philly, Los Angeles, Louisiana, Miami, Ohio, and now we're settling back in Texas.
We did a studio redesign too. We'll have some pictures soon on Instagram for y'all to see. The walls no longer have that "custom" purple-pink-brown that I had before, and Rachel's studio looks great too. Also, we moved the turntables so it's easier to record jams, as you can see in our most recent YouTube video:
We learned a lot in our trips this year. Special attention goes to Christian Howes' Creative Strings Workshop in Ohio. This year we brought a friend from The 440 Alliance (definitely click that link if you want to see me rocking out a LONG time ago) and he was blown away by the experience. It was life changing.
We also wrapped up a project today that has been in the works for years--Twinkle Factory is live today, the violin counterpart to Twinkle Arcade. It's been a real labor of love combining the kind of beats I like to scratch to and putting it into a kid-friendly format for string players. Submitting that was exciting, because we have a lot more projects that we put on hold while finishing TF. There were lots of stretches of non-existent social life while hitting certain checkpoints, but that can go with the territory of musician life.
All the while, our students have made us proud in the weeks we were here between flights and road trips. A lot of them are growing, needing longer endpins and bigger instruments. I love telling them how I'm growing too, graduating from size M shirts to L after eating bigger and hitting the weights more--see the pic below with Chris.

If you made it this far, you've stuck around not for new ideas on string playing or Suzuki Method, but to read something more personal and I appreciate it. Rachel and I are excited to prep for the next studio year and we're ready to share some good stuff.
--Mr G